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Farley's Wit - Number 3: Prosecutors Push Plea Deals and Divorce Representation

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Hello. I'm G. Gordon Farley, the first name in Farley Swit.

Prosecutors are lawyers who play a vital role in justice.

Prosecutors are charged with the duty of getting criminals off the streets by representing the interests of the state.

They must carefully consider the evidence in each case to determine whether the accused would be found guilty by a jury of his or her peers, and to proceed with trial if there is sufficient evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Of course, considering evidence is unnecessary if the accused accepts the standard plea agreement for the alleged crime.

And, now a word from a sponsor.

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Hello. I'm G. Gordon Farley, the first name in Farley Swit.

Is there a whim of discontent in your marriage?

Farley Swit has an entire section devoted to turning those whims into divorces.

There need not be infidelity, abandonment, or any other cause normally associated with divorce. All you need is the whim and the retainer fee.

Farley Swit specializes in irreconcilable differences.

Bring a Friend with Whim and Retainer Fee and Both Get 10% Off!*
Farley Swit
We Support Our Troops

* Please arrange babysitting for children so your nuisances do not bother our staff.

Disclaimer: Farley's Wit is satire, parody, editorial comment, opinion, and any other form of free speech that Goldwing Tom may think of later. Any resemblance between characters in Farley's Wit and any human beings or lawyers, alive or dead, is merely a figment of your imagination. Goldwing Tom is not responsible for truth, justice, or reality. In fact, Goldwing Tom is simply not responsible, and he has references.

Farley’s Wit Series:

Farley's Wit: The Story
Number 1: Attorneys Create Confusion and Personal Injury Representation
Number 2: Justice System in Anatomical Terms and Bankruptcy Representation
Number 3: Prosecutors Push Plea Deals and Divorce Representation
Number 4: Reasonable Doubt for Prosecutors and DUI Representation
Number 5: Abuse of Deferments and Class Action Representation
Number 6: Public Defenders and Pharmaceutical Lawsuit Representation
Number 7: No Contact Orders and Handy Free Pamphlet
Number 8: Federal Court Nominations and Setting Up a Super-PAC

Some other things I've written about: 

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